Hope for a Heart Defiled

Sermon series: Mark: Reset Your Mind

Passage: Mark 7:14-30

Key theme - Hope for a Heart Defiled

My Story

● In what ways have you seen entitlement, prejudices, or superiority on display in our culture?

● In what ways have you seen entitlement, prejudices, or superiority on display in your own life and heart?

● Where do you turn when you feel hopeless?

Today’s Teaching

● Notice the sins listed in verses 21-22. Some of these sins are sins of action, and others are sins of attitude. Compare and contrast with Matthew 5:21-22 & 28-28. What is Jesus conveying?

● What did the Syrophoenician woman (verses 24-30) seem to understand that the Pharisees and scribes were missing (verses 1-13)?

● Once again, we see Jesus going out of his way to minister to a Gentile. Describe her overall posture toward Jesus. What could we learn from her?

Discipleship Application

● Matt 12:34 reminds us that “...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” In your weekly rhythms, what is coming out of your heart...the things of God or the things of man?

● For the Kingdom’s sake and to make Jesus known, to what degree are you willing to be guilty by association, breaking down socioeconomic, racial, and/or cultural comfort zones?

● If there’s hope for the a Gentile Syrophoenician woman, then there’s hope for us. What might you and I have in common with the Gentile Syrophoenician woman?

● What is God teaching you and saying to you in this passage?

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